Five Tips For Choosing Business Intelligence Tools

With so much data available at your fingertips, how can your company make sense of all the information? Every business should have the knowledge to leverage their data and make meaningful, informed decisions. The answer is to have the correct business intelligence (BI) tools to find the usable pieces of information as well as fit the current and emerging needs of the organization. So, here are five tips to use when seeking BI tools.

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With so much data available at your fingertips, how can your company make sense of all the information? Every business should have the ability to leverage their data and make meaningful, informed decisions. The answer is to have the correct business intelligence (BI) tools to find the usable pieces of information as well as fit the current and emerging needs of the organization. So here are five tips to use when choosing BI tools.

1.     Must Seamlessly Integrate with the Current System

It is critical for a business to choose tools that seamlessly integrate with the existing reporting processes. At FocustApps, we select tools for our clients by the RIGHT FIT for their needs. That means not necessarily choosing ones from the most prominent development companies.  There are lots of great options, so for seamless integration make sure your preferred BI tools support data from the different sources you are currently using, whether that be Excel, ERP systems, CRM, or databases such as Oracle and Microsoft.

2.     Establish the Criteria in Business Terms

Before starting, be sure you have a clearly defined business strategy. Next, establish what is business-critical so your tools can help you make a clear connection between the business strategy and the criteria. Planning for this information makes the process easier when seeking a solution for BI tools.

3.     Ensure the Interface is Easy to Use and Intuitive

Take a look at your end-users and select tools fitting their skills. The BI tools may need to be capable of guiding users who might have minimal knowledge of technology. If your users have a mix of expertise, some tools can offer both high and low-skilled users a rich, rewarding contextual experience for data analysis. Be selective, and have a plan to choose which options suit the needs of your end-users.

4.     Provides a Sufficient Level of Security

Security is a critical consideration, particularly for cloud-based firms. However, ALL businesses need to secure critical data, such as confidential employee information or users’ personally identifiable information (PII). Make sure the BI tool you select aligns with the security practices you require. Carefully consider the modes of storing details and make sure you have the proper mechanisms for controlling the internal security by assigning access controls and user permissions.

5.     Make Sure Your BI Tool is Mobile-friendly

Due to the increasing use of mobile devices, you should consider new BI tools that support all tablet and mobile device platforms. These platforms are perfect for business executives who are always on the move, as they conveniently offer the ability to access graphs, charts, and reveal patterns anytime and anywhere there are secure connections. This is especially important if your busy executives need to review data and make decisions on the fly.

Picking a business intelligence tool: We do your research

At FocustApps, we help our clients select the best BI tool for seamless integration. We take the time to understand your goals, consider all the relevant details, and offer recommendations for the right solutions through multiple options, any of which can be customized to fit your business plan and criteria. Contact us at 502.907.6593 to learn more about how you can find the best business intelligence tool for you.

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