Using Automated Testing for Quality Assurance

When developing applications, there are lots of reasons why Automated Testing for Quality Assurance is beneficial. Automating testing shortens development cycles, avoids cumbersome and expensive repetitive tasks, and improves software. Adhering to automated testing best practices ensures that the testing strategies will deliver high-quality results and save valuable dollars.

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When developing applications, there are lots of reasons why Automated Testing for Quality Assurance is beneficial. Automating testing shortens development cycles, avoids cumbersome and expensive repetitive tasks, and improves software. Adhering to automated testing best practices ensures that the testing strategies will deliver high-quality results and save valuable dollars.

One of the most critical parts of building software is testing – it’s crucial to the result’s success. If your software doesn’t work correctly, chances are end-users won’t buy it, and if they do – they won’t use it for long. Testing to find defects or bugs is time-consuming, expensive, often repetitive, and subject to human error. Automating the same testing, in which our team uses software tools to run detailed, redundant, and data-intensive tests, automatically help improve the quality of the end product. It also gives the ability to test substantially more code, improve the test accuracy, plus frees up our team to focus on the tests requiring manual attention.

It is impractical to automate all testing, so it is necessary to determine which tests to choose. Tests only performed a few times are better left for manual testing, and tests selected for automating should be linked to how many times the given test needs to be repeated. Good choices for automation are ones that are run frequently and require large amounts of data.

When automating testing, communication and participation involving the client is not only critical but significant. Writing testing scripts will save time and money and have high accuracy, but they need to be the right scripts. Good testing scripts need to run the way the application will be used, not just how it is perceived it will be used. Client and end-user feedback here can make or break the success of what’s being developed.

When deciding which tests to automate, the highest benefit comes when you automate repetitive tests running for multiple builds or tests that take a lot of effort and time to execute manually. We also consider tests that tend to cause human error or require various data sets. Other options include tests impossible to perform manually and tests that run on several different hardware or software platforms and configurations.

Success in test automation requires careful planning and clearly define the goals with the client before the testing begins.  We believe in adhering to automated testing best practices so we deliver high-quality results that saves revenue. For more details on Automating Testing for Quality Assurance at FocustApps, contact Blake Patterson today at 502.907.6593.

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