February 2020

Why Use Augmented Reality In Mobile Apps

Augmented Reality (AR) is helping mobile app users do everything from disassembling things, without actually disassembling, to playing games like PokémonGo, where mystic creatures appear to be in reality. For many, they don’t even realize the app they’re using is AR; they know it’s fun and cool. Here are a few ways augmented reality is transforming mobile app design and why you should consider using AR.

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Using AI & Chatbots In Applications

As technology advances users will see various emerging trends helping businesses collect useful data that increases the user experience and engagement.  One of those is the usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chatbots in web and mobile applications. Innovations in AI and machine learning technologies are enhancing the features of chatbots. According to the Business Insider, the global chatbot market is expected to reach 1.25 billion by 2025. Here are four reasons why businesses are giving high consideration to these newer technologies.

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